Can I Give My Guinea Pig Ice Cubes?
Guinea pigs are cute and loveable pets. They are highly social animals who thrive in environments where they can interact with other guinea pigs and their owners.
When pet guinea pigs become overheated in hot weather, the question that may arise in the mind of caring owners is “Can I give my guinea pig ice cubes?”
Every guinea pig owner is concerned about their pet’s health and wants the safest care possible. This article will help you recognize the signs of guinea pig overheating, how to offer your guinea pig ice cubes, and how to keep them cool and safe.
Signs of Guinea Pig Overheated

Guinea pigs, unfortunately, can overheat in a matter of minutes. A guinea pig can die of heart failure if this happens. So, it is vital to maintain the temperature of the cage.
When a room’s temperature exceeds 75 degrees Fahrenheit, the owner should look for indications that their pet is overheated or stressed. Of course, the first step is to transfer the guinea pig to a cooler location. The following are common signs of an overheated guinea pig:
- Panting
- Lethargy
- Increased heart rate
- Irregular breathing
- Closed eyes
- Dehydrated coat
AcuRite Digital Hygrometer with Indoor Monitor and Comfort Scale (01083M) Room Thermometer Gauge with Temperature Humidity
Can You Give Your Guinea Pig Ice Cubes When It Is Too Hot?
No, you should not give ice cubes to your little pet because it is hazardous to teeth, digestive system, and epithelium of the tongue and lips.
Furthermore, ice is not as nutritious as veggies, and there are many other ways to keep your guinea pig cool in hot weather.
Guinea pigs may nibble on an ice cube in the same way they nibble on anything else. But you should not do so. As ice cubes can put them into shock, and if they consume too much, they will die of pneumonia.
If you want your pet to cool down, place one or two ice cubes in his or her water bowl, depending on the size of the bowl. Place two or three ice cubes in 0.5 liters of water and give it to your guinea pig after two or three minutes to allow the ice to melt in the water.
Why Ice Cubes Aren’t a Good Choice for Guinea Pigs?

Your small friend’s digestion may be harmed by too much ice. Guinea pigs’ digestive systems are sensitive. Abdominal pain or bloat can be caused by any substantial system change (or shock).
When your guinea pig’s stomach is full of gas, they get bloated. Excessive gas can cause a loss of appetite, which means your guinea pig will not eat, and if the problem is not addressed, your guinea pig may die.
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Popsicles or Anything Frozen?
While guinea pigs are generally very resilient creatures, there are some foods that they should avoid. Popsicles or any other food that is frozen such as ice water, ice cream, frozen fruit, and iceberg lettuce is one of those foods.
The reason for this is that when guinea pigs eat something that is frozen, it can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Additionally, it can also lead to gastrointestinal blockages and staining of the teeth.
Popsicles normally include a lot of sugar and coloring compounds that guinea pigs don’t need in their diet; therefore, I wouldn’t recommend it. Aside from that, popsicle sticks are prone to splintering and can be quite sharp. It can be quite dangerous if it hurts her lips, nose, eyes, or other sensitive areas.
What Happens If a Guinea Pig Gets Too Hot for A Long Time?

Heatstroke can kill a guinea pig if it is exposed to heat for a long time. When a guinea pig’s body temperature rises too high, it suffers from heatstroke, also known as sunstroke.
Because guinea pigs lack sweat glands and are unable to regulate their body temperature through sweat.
This is common in the summer, making these rodents a significant health concern. When the body is unable to thermoregulate itself, high body temperature from heatstroke can cause health complications.
If your guinea pig suffers from a heat stroke, it may develop inflammation and blood clotting problems, which can be fatal if not handled.
Signs of Heatstroke

The signs may appear moderate at first. If your pet appears more lethargic than usual, this could be the first sign of overheating. Other symptoms of heatstroke include:
- Lethargy
- Rapid breathing
- Open-mouth breathing
- Laying on side
- Drooling
- Seizures
- Coma
- Death
How To Deal With Heatstroke in Guinea Pigs?
Take your guinea pig to a cool place right away if you fear it is developing or suffering from heatstroke.
This could involve bringing it into an air-conditioned room, removing it from direct sunlight, or moving it from the heat vent, but you must cool your guinea pig down regardless of the cause of heatstroke.
Coldwater baths can help your guinea pig cool down, but only if the bath does not stress it excessively. If your pet is lethargic, unresponsive, or is having seizures, it needs to see a veterinarian.
7 Tips To Keep Your Guinea Pigs Cool in Summer

Heatstroke or hot weather is quite uncomfortable for guinea pigs, and it is also annoying for their owners. The best way to cope with it is through prevention.
Fortunately, there are a few easy but effective ways to protect your guinea pig from heatstroke in hot weather. Here are 7 tips to keep your guinea pig cool.
Put Them In A Quiet and Coolest Room of Your House
Keeping guinea pigs indoors in a cool area is one of the greatest ways to keep them cool in hot weather. Small animals can be irritated by a lack of air conditioning, especially during summer.
Cavie Guinea Pig Cage
Ensure That There Is Ample, Cool, and Clean Water
Providing guinea pigs with access to cool, clean, fresh water all day, every day, is one of the easiest and most efficient ways to keep them cool in hot weather. Add extra water dispensers around the hatch to ensure that there is adequate water on the tap.
Lixit Wide Mouth BPA-Free Cage Water Bottles
Provide a Piece of Tile or a Marble Slab in Your Pet’s Cage
Take cold objects and place them in a cage for your guinea pigs to enjoy to keep them cool. They’ll lie on top of them or against them to get comfort from the heat. Tile or marble slabs are some of the best options for this.
Try Misting Lightly
Misting your guinea pig with cold water from a spray bottle, placing a cold or wet cloth on his back and beneath his feet, and giving him a cold-water drink from a syringe are all ways to lower his body temperature and keep him cool.
Increase Cool Air Circulation by Using a Fan
Fans are a great method to keep your guinea pig cool in the summer. Set one up close to the cage and angle the fan toward one of the cage’s sides. You can regulate moderate airflow in this area.
Use a chair to support the fan to attain the optimum height and distance. During the hottest part of the day, turn on the fan. When needed, your guinea pig will appreciate the fresh airflow.
Crate Cooling Fan Pet Cage
Using Damp Towels or Cooling Mats
Another simple approach to keeping your guinea pig cool is to soak a towel in cold water, remove it and place it on a small portion of the cage. On hot days, a fan or air conditioner can be used in conjunction with damp towels or cooling mats.
Offer Some Cool Treats
It’s good to give your guinea pig some cool treats, such as fruits or fruit juice, to keep the temperature down. Chop an apple, strawberry, or watermelon and place it in an ice tray with water. Allow it to cool and serve.
In Short
The nutritional value of ice cubes is another reason why guinea pig owners should not give them to their pets. Compared to other pet diets such as hay, guinea pig pellets, fruits, and vegetables, they are not as nutritious.
Furthermore, large amounts of ice might be detrimental to the digestion of guinea pigs. Guinea pigs’ tongues and lips can also become stuck to ice cubes. There are numerous other ways to keep guinea pigs cool in hot weather than giving them ice cubes to eat.
I hope you’ve learned something new about whether guinea pigs should have ice cubes or not.