What Does It Mean When Guinea Pig Grinding Teeth?

What Does It Mean When Guinea Pig Grinding Teeth?

Guinea pigs are playful, expressive, and sometimes noisy/vocal pets that adore interacting with each other and human beings. These rodents are known to make various sounds in various circumstances.  Guinea pigs mostly use sounds and noises to communicate with their cage mates or owners to show you they are excited, hungry, feeling pain, or any…

5 Causes Make Mother Guinea Pig Attacking Babies and Dealing Tips

5 Causes Make Mother Guinea Pig Attacking Babies and Dealing Tips

If you have an interest in keeping guinea pigs, then you have probably heard that in some instances, mother guinea pigs may attack their babies. Perhaps you are wondering how best this challenge can be dealt with. If you have limited experience in the care of these special pets, this article will allay any fears…

8 Reliable Shares Before Keeping Guinea Pigs As Pets

8 Reliable Shares Before Keeping Guinea Pigs As Pets

Owning a pet is one of life’s most rewarding experiences, and guinea pigs are no exception. These small yet lovable creatures are smart, funny, personable, and come with their own unique personalities.  As a guinea pig owner, you can expect years of companionship with your furry friend and memory-making moments that you’ll always cherish.  If…

11 Guinea Pig Behaviors To Help You Understand More About Them

11 Guinea Pig Behaviors To Help You Understand More About Them

Guinea pigs may come across as simple creatures, but don’t let their size fool you. In reality, cavies are intelligent and inquisitive pets with unique personalities and a specific set of needs.  If you take the time to understand their behaviors and habits, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a stellar guinea pig…