Is My Guinea Pig Blind?

Is My Guinea Pig Blind?

Guinea pigs are mostly easy to care for. But one thing most guinea pig owners notice is their pet’s weird behavior when it enters the cage and walks straight into obstacles. It makes you think, is my guinea pig blind?  Today’s article sheds light on this particular aspect of your tiny pet. So, scroll down…

What Is A Boar Guinea Pig?

What Is A Boar Guinea Pig?

Are you looking for a boar to add to your family as a pet, and you can’t tell the difference? Male guinea pigs look like females once. Differentiating them is not that direct. If you want to isolate male guinea pigs from their mother and sister, examine their genitalia. Do this before the end of…

Is It Normal for Guinea Pigs to Scratch Themselves?

Is It Normal for Guinea Pigs to Scratch Themselves?

Scratching in guinea pigs is normal, but excessive scratching with irritation and hair pulling indicates something wrong. Is it normal for guinea pigs to scratch themselves is a common question that the owners wonder about. To help you, we have listed down the normal scratching behavior, abnormal scratching behavior, and causes that make guinea pigs…

Guinea Pigs Suddenly Disappear: 5 Cause and 2 Tips To Find Them

Guinea Pigs Suddenly Disappear: 5 Cause and 2 Tips To Find Them

Guinea pigs, as opposed to their names, are South American rodents. Their number became limited. Presently, guinea pigs are kept in the house as pets. However, Keeping guinea pigs is not easy because they can get out of their cages and disappear. Their instincts will always tell them to hide. But what else causes these…

13 Best Guinea Pig Breeds

13 Best Guinea Pig Breeds

We all love guinea pigs, but not all of us know that there are numerous breeds of these adorable creatures. And different breed types come with different features: while some have swirly cowlicks, others have long fur.  In this article, we are going to discuss 13 amazing guinea pig breeds. We hope this post will…

2 Causes Make Guinea Pig Losing Hair Around Eye

2 Causes Make Guinea Pig Losing Hair Around Eye

Any sudden change or unusual behavior in your beloved guinea pig can have you scratching your head. For instance, guinea pigs losing hair around the eye is always concerning. Many people have encountered this problem with their piggies but, unfortunately have no idea what to do or help their poor pets. Several causes can make…