Teddy Guinea Pig: Origin, Appearance and Other Facts
Guinea pigs are popularly regarded as a suitable first pet for families with children. This is because they are docile friendly, it is easy to care for them, and they have great personalities.
However, you may be confused about which guinea pig to pick due to their wide varieties.
Teddy guinea pigs are a breed known for their small size and vibrant personality. They are named teddy due to their soft and shiny, dense coat similar to that of a teddy bear.
Teddy cavies are known to be affectionate, sociable, and cuddly pets.
In this article, we will highlight everything you need to know about Teddy guinea pigs, from their origins to ways of caring for them.
Are Teddy Guinea Pigs Friendly?
Yes, teddy guinea pigs are very friendly. They love spending time with both their owners and their cage mates. This is why they are regarded as suitable pets for children.
Teddy guinea pigs can live with other guinea pig breeds without any issue.
Teddy Guinea Pig: Origin, Appearance and Other Facts
Teddy guinea pigs are cute and fun-loving guinea pig breeds suitable for all types of pet owners. You can identify them by their short and dense coat, which gives a plush bottle brush impression.

Origin And Appearance
Guinea pigs originated from the Andes regions of South America and were initially domesticated by the natives for foods and offerings to the gods around 5000 BC. Later on, guinea pigs were kept as a pet and also used for research in the labs.
The research at the laboratory led to the creation of the teddy guinea pig breed. Teddy guinea pigs were formed due to genetic mutation, which caused their dense coat without affecting them.
They were recognized as an individual guinea pig breed by the American Cavy Breeders Association in 1978.
Teddy usually grows to around 12 inches long. The males grow longer than the females and also weigh more.
Colors and Teddy Guinea Pig Coat
Teddy guinea pigs are easily recognized due to their short and dense coat that looks like a teddy bear. They also have a wider nose when compared to other guinea pigs.
They look similar to American guinea pigs with their nose structure but differ as the teddy has short and thick fur.
Teddy guinea pig colors vary from solid to different shades like tricolors. You can find pure white, chestnut, jet black, gold, glossy brown, and shades of gray. However, teddy guinea pigs have more hair than most guinea pig breeds.
The fur feels dense and plush, and it has a bottle brush feel where the hair sticks out from the body. However, teddy cavies don’t require regular grooming care. All you have to do is weekly brushing to ensure the fur is clean.
You will also need to clean their ears regularly with a warm damp towel to help ensure there is no buildup of wax.
Teddy Guinea Pig Genetics

The American guinea pigs have recessive genes of long hair, while the Abyssinian guinea pigs have dominant short hair genes. Cross-breeding of Americans with Abyssinian guinea pigs will create a teddy with short coats.
Teddy guinea pigs also have a pair of recessive genes called “tt”. This is the reason why the shaft of each hair kinks at the base leading to their trademark short and upstanding coat.
Typical Behavior And Temperament
Teddy guinea pigs are among the most active guinea pig breeds out there. They are very energetic and sociable with humans. They enjoy handling and can also cuddle with their owners, which is why they are suitable for children.
Teddies can easily get bored if kept alone in their cage, and it is best to keep them in pairs or groups. You will also need to provide enough space to run and do solo activities in their tank. Teddy cavies are not aggressive in nature and seldom bite.
However, they may bite you if they are scared, in pain, if your hands smell like food, or stressed.
Conservation Status
Teddy guinea pigs cannot be found in the wild. They live in captivity, and you can only source them from a reputable breeder.
How to Care Teddy Guinea Pig as a Pet
Teddy guinea pig requires daily and weekly commitments like other guinea pig breeds. However, it is very easy to care for them, making them suitable for you even if you have a busy schedule.
Some of the things that a teddy guinea pig requires are stated below.

Habitat, Tank Conditions & Setup
Teddy guinea pigs require special care to keep them healthy and happy. Unlike conventional pets like dogs, they need a specific tank setup to stay healthy.
It is recommended that you create an enclosed habitat for your guinea pigs to live. This will help ensure they don’t roam around your house to avoid injuring themselves or even creating a big mess for you.
A teddy guinea pig requires at least 8 square feet of space in their tank where they can explore.
It is required that you provide bedding in your guinea pig’s tank to help make it comfortable for them. Furthermore, beddings will help to soak up water spills and urinations to help keep their tank clean.
Suitable bedding for your teddy guinea pig should be soft and absorbent and very easy to clean.
You will need to change your guinea pig’s bedding at least once a week to ensure their tank is clean.
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Temperature And Lighting
Teddy guinea pigs require a warmer temperature around 65-80 degrees to stay happy and healthy. You will need a heater or place a blanket on their tank in cold weather.
Another thing is that it is best to house your guinea pigs in places where they can experience light and darkness every day.
It is important that you add different accessories to your teddy guinea pig’s enclosure to keep them entertained. You will also need to place a food and water dish in their tank.
Some of the other accessories that you can provide are tunnels, caves, chewy treats, and interactive toys to keep them occupied.
Guinea pigs are prolific breeds and will breed easily and frequently by housing a male and female together.
However, the overall health of a female teddy guinea pig can decrease if they breed regularly, and this is why it is recommended to neuter or spay your guinea pig when housing them in the same tank.
Like other guinea pigs, teddy guinea pigs can eat a wide range of foods. However, hay is a very important diet for your teddy as it aids digestion and will help to grind down your guinea pig’s teeth.
Your guinea pig can even develop diarrhea if hay is not enough in their diet.
Some of the other foods needed by your teddy are vegetables and pellets. You can also provide your teddy guinea pigs with fruits occasionally as a source of Vitamins.
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Health Problems
Teddy guinea pigs can live for around 4-8 years if kept under optimal care. Although they are hardy creatures, they can also be affected by different types of health problems. Some of the health problems that can affect your guinea pigs are listed below.
Bacterial and viral respiratory problems: this usually occurs because of stress, housing your guinea pigs in a dirty environment, or both.
Ear infections: this occurs if you don’t clean their ear regularly.
Scurvy: this occurs if there is a lack of vitamin C in your guinea pig’s diet.
Some of the other health problems are bumblefoot, urinary tract infections, diarrhea, etc.
Teddy guinea pigs are active creatures and require regular exercise to stay healthy. You will need to provide enough space for your guinea pig to run and play. Without enough exercise, your guinea pig can develop diabetes or heart problems.
You can encourage your guinea pig to exercise by housing them in a large cage and providing safe areas where they can run around. You can also provide some toys to help stimulate your guinea pigs.
It is recommended that you allow your teddy to settle into their new home before you try to tame them. Once they settle, they will start to get comfortable with you, and you can try to teach them a few simple tricks.
They are very smart creatures and will respond to training with a little patience.
You can also use a treat-based reward system to train them to stand, return to their cage, come, and so on.
How Much Do Teddy Guinea Pigs Cost?
Teddy guinea pigs are affordable guinea pig breeds as you can adopt one for around $10-$30. However, the cost for a teddy guinea pig will depend on its health condition, your location, and how long they are on sale.
You can even adopt them for a small fee if you go through an animal rescue facility.
A teddy guinea pig is a suitable pet for all pet owners due to its easy-care requirements. All you need is to provide an appropriate size cage with companions to help ensure they don’t get bored or stressed.
They are also friendly and active pets and require a lot of space to stay active.