Why Does My Guinea Pig Lick Me?

Why Does My Guinea Pig Lick Me?

Experiencing affection from animals is quite a lovely gesture. It reveals the love both of you feel for each other. This is portrayed in several ways, and among them is licking. Guinea pigs generally love licking themselves up for various reasons. Lucky owners may experience the licking too. This is because guinea pigs take time…

Can Guinea Pigs See Color?

Can Guinea Pigs See Color?

Does your guinea pig respond to different colors in your household? Well, you must be eager to know if your guinea pigs are excited about certain colors.  Guinea pigs are prey animals, and they use eyesight to distinguish different colors of things so that they can survive and maneuver, that is, for food and to…

Can Guinea Pigs Swim?

Can Guinea Pigs Swim?

One of the most common concerns of guinea pig enthusiasts is knowing whether their beloved pets can swim or not. Understanding the abilities of one’s furry friend is critical in keeping it safe and averting tragedy to ensure that it lives a long and healthy life.  This article explores the common misconceptions about guinea pigs…