11 Common Guinea Pig Noises and Their Meaning
Guinea pigs are social and fascinating pets that love interacting with each other and humans. They love to live in a group but can still thrive alone.
Like other pets, communication is an important aspect of raising a healthy and happy guinea pig.
This is because cavies are vocal creatures and can create a wide range of noises to pass a message to other animals and human companions.
However, it can be hard for humans to understand and interpret the noises that they make.
As a responsible owner, you may wonder what your piggies are trying to say when they make different noises.
In this article, we will help solve your dilemma by talking about the different noises that guinea pigs make and their meaning.
What Sound Does A Guinea Pig Make?

Guinea pigs use a combination of sound and body language to communicate with one another and with their owners.
Some of the sounds made by guinea pigs are quite common, and most owners can recognize this, while some are rare and can be hard to recognize.
However, you must consider both the sound and body language a guinea pig makes when making the sound to better interpret what it is saying.
A happy guinea pig usually makes several noises like squeaking, purring, chortling, and so on.
On the other hand, an unhappy guinea pig can make growling, screaming, chattering, and several other noises.
11 Common Guinea Pig Noises and Their Meaning
Guinea pigs usually make a wide range of noises, and each has different meanings. Some of the common guinea pig noises and their meanings are stated below.

Squeaking Or Wheeking
This is a popular sound made by the guinea pigs. It is characterized by a loud, long squeal with a whistling sound. Many guinea pigs usually make this sound in anticipation or when excited about being fed
Guinea pigs also make this noise when anticipating some tasty treats as the owner opens the fridge. Many guinea pig owners consider that guinea pig makes a wheeking sound to beg or to gain attention from their owners.
Most guinea pigs make chutting sounds when they are content with their environments, and this noise usually sounds like when a frog is croaking but quite softer.
You can hear your guinea pig chut if they feel safe and well-fed or when they are exploring a calm area in your house.
Once you hear your cavy chut, you can rest assured as an owner that everything is okay with them.
Bubbling Or Purring
A purring or bubbling sound in guinea pigs can indicate a positive or negative thing. Guinea pigs can make a purring sound in a low tone, which can even be hard to hear it.
They can make this low tone while lying down flat and relaxed, which shows they are happy and feel safe.
Many cavy owners even believe guinea pigs make this low tone when cage mates are enjoying each other’s company or during a cozy lap time.
However, if your guinea pig’s purr is in high pitch and their posture is stiff, then it means that they are annoyed or stressed out.
Guinea pigs make chattering sounds by clicking their teeth together. It is common for guinea pigs to make this sound when they are annoyed or anxious about something.
This means you should be on the lookout for their body language when making this sound.
You may hear your guinea pig chatter if you give it attention, but it is growing impatient with you and already waiting for its food.
However, chattering can also be a sign that your guinea pig is irritated or not comfortable with the situation that you put them in.
For instance, chattering can occur when introducing two guinea pigs to each other. Once you hear this noise, you need to be on alert and ready to separate them if they become aggressive towards each other.
Guinea pigs make whining sounds when they feel annoyed or disagree with what is happening around them.
They usually make this sound when they are not well and need medical attention. This means once you hear your cavy whining, you should check them to be sure nothing is going on with them, and they are not ill.
Chirping is a unique and mysterious sound that guinea pigs can make. This sound looks like a bird’s chirping, and it can be shocking if you hear your guinea pigs make this sound.
You will find your guinea pig in a trance-like state with their eyes wide open while staring into space when making this sound.
Nobody knows the main reason why guinea pigs make chirping sounds. Generally linked to extreme stress or fear. However, it is observed that some guinea pigs make these sounds when they recently lost a friend.
Rumble Strutting
Rumble strutting noise is quite similar to purring. However, you can differentiate the rumbling sound as it is usually in a slightly lower tone. You can also use the behavior of your guinea pig to be sure that your guinea pig is rumbling.
Generally, guinea pigs rumble during the courtship between male and female guinea pigs. If you stay, you can even find your guinea pig rumble strut. This is a mating dance that males used to woo a female guinea pig.
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Cooing noise in guinea pigs is just like a soft murmur. It is common to find mother guinea pigs cooing to their young ones to calm and reassure them. Furthermore, male and female guinea pigs coo to show affection for each other.
Guinea pigs usually make a hissing noise when irritated or angry, and they make this noise to warn you to leave them alone. They can be aggressive when making this noise and can bite or run away if you don’t resolve what is upsetting them quickly.
Shrieking or Screaming
Shrieking noise will surely get your attention immediately you hear it. Shrieking is a high-pitched noise that shows that your cavy is very upset, scared, or frightened. They also make these sounds when they are injured.
Once you hear this noise, it is best to check for physical injury and the area to determine what could have frightened your guinea pig.
You will also be surprised that your cute and friendly cavy can growl. Guinea pig growls are not quite intimidating, but it means that your cavy is frightened or threatened by something in the area. Growling sounds in guinea pigs are either loud or abrupt.
However, it shows that it is in a vulnerable state. You can try to calm your guinea pig by petting it as gently as possible. You can also speak softly to your piggies and watch as the growl turns to purr in no time.
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This article shows that guinea pig noise ranges from happy one to scared ones. Guinea pigs usually use noise to pass across different things with their body language.
You can better understand caring for your piggies needs and wants by understanding how they communicate.
Let us know some of the sounds that your guinea pig makes and your favorite in the comment section below.
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